Looking for FormScanner OMR Alternative?
Updated:You’re in the right place. PaperSurvey.io offers an OMR (optical mark recognition) and HTR (handwritten text recognition) survey solution suitable for small to large businesses.
Cloud-based software
PaperSurvey.io is a cloud-based software. Therefore, you may create and process paper surveys on any platform (Windows, Mac or Linux) or device. You may even upload scanned files from your phone.
No software upgrades and maintenance
Traditional software installable in computers licensing fees are not cheap, and the IT infrastructure costs, training, and support costs and upgrade fees. This can make the total cost of software prohibitive for many businesses.
As PaperSurvey is a software as a service, all upgrades are managed by us.
Email scanned documents
You may also send the scanned documents to an email address (e.g. myaddress@upload.papersurvey.io) and get them processed automatically.
Monthly/Yearly billing
Only need to use the survey platform for a few months? Simply cancel when you no longer need it.
Get Started with PaperSurvey.io Software
Start your 14-day free trial now, no credit card required.